Health + vitality coaching will help you uncover your personal strengths and values while discovering your motivations for change to enable you to meet your goals and vision.
You will personally discover what you need to succeed, and have the tools to create your own S.M.A.R.T Goals (Small. Measurable. Attainable. Realistic. Time bound.). While discovering for yourself the pros/cons to making a change, you’ll increase autonomy, self-confidence and self-efficacy which will give you a new perspective and way of living.
We may work on your eating habits, and include healthy-lifestyle strategies, or perhaps you’d like to work on personal goals which could include physical, financial, emotional, or organizational goals. These are all options which include overall health + wellbeing for the best you!
Your first appointment will include a history intake, and we will collaborate to discover your health + vitality vision. This will include strategies to best implement your S.M.A.R.T Goals. Appointments can be scheduled as an in office or phone consultation by visiting my Contact page.
I look forward to connecting with you!